Norbert Wiener Center News and Announcements
- Bratsche Sören, doctoral student of Emily King, features at 7:35 in the production of a video-sound collage of Ravel's "Boléro" by Universität Bremen's orchestra.
- Video of Ray Johnson, former department chair and recipient of the 2015 Presidential Mentorship Award, meeting with President Obama in Oval Office on West Wing Week YouTube Channel. Ray appears at minute 3:58
- The NWC's own Brent Baccala has now released xoscope 2.1, a digital oscilloscope for Linux. Check out what is new and download the latest version for yourself.
- The Norbert Wiener Center's own Matt Begué recently performed stand-up comedy at a special Science Comedy Night in Washington DC. Matt wins the crowd over with jokes about math and graduate school. (Warning: Some explicit language is used)
- A video featuring Chandler Davis on Mathematics, Computer Technology, and Social Justice.
- It feels just like yesterday. Can you believe it's been 50 years since Director John Benedetto earned his PhD? Well his hometown newspaper from Wakefield, MA didn't. Take a look here.
- Chandler Davis and his wife, Natalie, are featured on the cover of a special edition of the Mathematical Inteligencer
- Kasso Okoudjou and John Benedetto will be running one of the projects at this summer's MAPS REU. The 2014 MAPS Research Experience for Undergraduates program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation grant and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park.
- Congratulations to Matthew Begué and Alex Cloninger on winning the Monroe Martin Spotlight on Student Research competition.
- Click here to see a list of the three Norbert Wiener Associate Professors at Tufts University
- Congratulations to our NWC students, Alex Cloninger, Travis Andrews, Timothy Doster, and Clare Wickman, for having very successful PhD defenses.
- Congratulations to our Undergraduate Research Specialist, Rafael Setra, for winning a Goldwater Scholarship. His work with Wojciech Czaja is mentioned in this article.
- Professor Wade Trappe and Dr. Carole Teolis were awarded the ECE Distinguished Alumni Award in April 2014. Wade was sent to the NWC by Joe Lakey and Carole was a speaker at FFT2007. Click here for Dr. Teolis' lecture given for this occasion.
- The Norbert Wiener Center and the University of Maryland will be hosting a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program this summer. Information and application form are available online.
- John Benedetto has contributed to an article entitled "Chandler Davis as Mentor" which appears in the January 2014 edition of The Mathematical Intelligencer, of which Chandler was formerly the editor-in-chief. John Benedetto received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1964 under the direction of Chandler Davis.
- Björn Jawerth, born November 25, 1952, passed away on Monday, September 2, 2013. Jawerth was a former February Fourier Talks speaker and a brilliant Harmonic Analyst. He is featured in our In Memoriam section.
- The Norbert Wiener Center is now on Facebook! Like us for updates on FFT, seminar, and other news! Be sure to invite your friends too! In addition, the NWC has a completely updated Wikipedia page! Be sure to check it out!
- Tricky Benedetto Boys
Everyone in the Norbert Wiener Center knows how tricky a Benedetto can be; but apparently this knowledge is spreading fast. Check out this perfectly-titled Number Theory paper by Xander Faber (University of Hawaii) expanding on a result of Robert Benedetto. (To appear in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society)
- A new take on decreasing Fourier series
Check out this image of a "Decreasing Furry A Series ." Made by our friend Janet Tremaine (University of Missouri). It is very "punny."
- Smooth wavelets, every
harmonic analyst's dream.
The following is an actual picture of a local news station reporting about "smooth wavelets". Thank goodness! Haar wavelets will really do some damage to a boat!
- News about Brent Baccala - our NWC expert on wavelet auditory modeling: He is presently constructing Jacobian varieties in Anchorage, Alaska along with doing Algebraic Geometry and is fully engaged in the Occupy Movement.
- Margaret Cheney Awarded Kovalevsky Lectureship award
Margaret Cheney (Colorado State University) has been chosen as the AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer award for 2013 by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). She is honored "in recognition of her broad line of research that is coupling disparate radar solutions in ways previously unrecognized."
- The 2013 Daniel Sweet Memorial Fellowship was awarded to Rafael Setra. He is a junior in the Mathematics department.
- Coungratlations to Natalie Zemon Davis, wife of our close friend and mentor Chandler Davis (Toronto), for being awarded a National Humanities Medal. Click here for a video of President Obama presenting Natalie the medal (Natalie appears at 23:48).
- Herbert A. Hauptman, Nobel Laureate, Dies at 94
Herbert Aaron Hauptman died on October 23, 2011 at the age of 94. Hauptman received his PhD in 1954 from the Mathematics Department of the University of Maryland for his dissertation "An N-Dimensional Euclidean Algorithm" written under the direction of Professor Richard Good. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985.
Related links: Wikipedia, Nobel Prize. Also see The Washington Post 10/25/2011, page B-7.
- Congratulations to the Norbert Wiener Center's Spring 2013 PhD graduates: Bryant Angelos, Vinodh Rajapakse, Rongrong Wang.
- Natalie Davis awarded Holbert Prize
Natalie Zemon Davis, wife of Chandler Davis (who was advisor to our own John Benedetto), a former president of the AHA, and one of the most distinguished and versatile historians of modern times, has been awarded the prestigious Holberg International Memorial Prize for 2010. She received the prize, which was established by the Norwegian Parliament in 2003, at a special ceremony on June 9, 2010, in Bergen, Norway.
[Watch her acceptance speech]