The Mathematics department at the University of Maryland, College Park offers RIT (Research Interaction Teams) programs each semester. Each semester, the Norbert Wiener Center offers at least one RIT to provide graduate students and motivated undergraduate students, an in-depth exposure to a specific research topic that might not otherwise get covered in a standard graduate course or topics course. The RITs are often heavily student involved and have the option to be taken for academic credit.
Below is a list of recent RITs offered by Norbert Wiener Center Faculty.
Fall 2018
Applied Harmonic Analysis
Radu Balan
Mondays 12pm - 1pm, MTH 1310
More Information
Deep Learning Wojtek Czaja, Tom Goldstein, and Zeyad Emam
Fridays 12pm - 1pm, EGR 0108
More Information
Fall 2015
Applied Harmonic Analysis Radu Balan, Kasso Okoudjou
Wednesday: 12pm more information
Deep Learning Wojciech Czaja Wednesday: 2pm
Fall 2014
Graph Sparsifiers Kasso Okoudjou
Monday: 1-2pm more information
Directional Representations Wojciech Czaja Wednesday: 1-2pm
Sparse Data Methods with Applications to Biological Datasets Wojciech Czaja Monday
Spring 2014
Directional Representations Wojciech Czaja
Inpainting Wojciech Czaja
Fall 2013
The HRT Conjecture Kasso Okoudjou