Title:Challenges for the evaluation of diagnostic imaging systems with nonlinear behavior
Abstract:The adoption of iterative reconstruction algorithms (ongoing in the case of X-ray Computed
Tomography (CT), and already well established in emission tomography modalities like SPECT,
PET), and the use of additional imaging processing techniques, are resulting in imaging systems
with nonlinear behavior. This alters the image noise properties, sometimes leading to noise patterns
unfamiliar to the radiologists. The spatial correlations and the nonlinear behavior also challenge
some fundamental assumptions used in assessing the image quality, making inoperable several more
traditional metrics such as pixel variance, contrast to noise ratio (CNR), modulation transfer function
(MTF), and related metrics expressed as signal to noise ratios (SNR). In this talk we will review some
of these challenges and present alternative evaluation methods based on assessing the performance
of a given task. One category of such task-based methods involves detection of small, low-contrast
signals on noisy backgrounds. We can further distinguish between the particular case when the signal
and the background are known exactly (SKE/BKE tasks), and the cases when the some signal features
are not precisely known. One such case of wide clinical interest is the detection of signals at unknown
locations. While the SKE/BKE case can be treated by extending the classical signal detection theory
to the multiple dimensional case, the problem of unknown signal detection proves to be less tractable
analytically, with only approximate solutions being proposed. Here we will discuss several practical
approaches and applications to CT and PET image quality evaluation.