Fourier Talks Main 2006
Schedule 2006
List of Speakers 2006
Organizing Committee |
FFT 2006 Schedule
The confirmed list of speakers is available here.
All talks will take place in the Department of
Mathematics colloquium room, MATH 3206.
The main events include our Open House on Thursday
at 6:30 pm, beginning with introductory remarks by William E. Kirwan,
Chancellor, University System of Maryland, followed by a description
of the Norbert Wiener Center, and then a talk by Frederick C. Williams,
Ph.D., J.D., entitled "How universities fumble the ball in
the technology transfer game". Christopher Heil will give the
Colloquium on Friday at 3:00 pm, followed by High Tea for all participants
of the FFT.
View this schedule without
Thursday Talks
February 16 |
Friday Talks
February 17 |
Morning speakers |
Morning speakers |
9:00 |
Eitan Tadmor |
David Larson |
Analysis and Certain Congugate Linear Isometries |
9:45 |
Anthony Teolis |
Yang Wang |
Perturbation due to near-identity Systems |
TV Method for Denoising Natural Color Images |
10:30 |
Patrick O'Shea |
Carey E. Priebe |
Nanotechnology |
On the conditionality principle in pattern recognition |
11:15 |
Victor C. Chen |
Ramani Duraiswami |
Analysis of Micro-Doppler Spectrum |
Improved Fast Gauss Transform and Applications to Vision and
Learning |
12:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Afternoon speakers |
Afternoon speakers |
1:30 |
Pankaj Topiwala |
Robert Calderbank |
Video Coding, and the Influence of Wavelets |
Title TBA |
2:15 |
Guido Weiss |
Rama Chellappa |
surpringly simple constructions of higher dimensional Haar
wavelets by using composite dilations |
Periodic Analysis for Detection, Tracking and Recognition of
Moving Humans in Video sequences |
3:00 |
Peter G. Casazza |
Christopher Heil * |
Kadison-Singer Problem in Mathematics and Engineering |
and the Homogeneous Approximation Property |
3:45 |
Garry Jacyna |
Sensors: The Concept, Technical Challenges, and Research at
the Boundaries of Mathematics and Engineering |
*: (Colloquium Talk,
followed by High Tea) |
4:30 |
Jelena Kovacevic |
Theorem Associated with the Discrete Cosine Transform |
Thursday Open House |
6:30 |
Chancellor William E. Kirwan, University System of Maryland |
6:35 |
John J. Benedetto, Director, Norbert Wiener Center |
6:45 |
Frederick Williams, Ph.D., J.D. |
Universities Fumble the Ball in the Technology Transfer Game |
7:15 |
Social, Light Dinner, Refreshments |

View a
8.5 x 11 poster announcing FFT 2006 |