February Fourier Talks 2007
Shubha Kadambe
Underdetermined convolutive mixture separation and its
application to robust automatic speech recognition
Mixed signals that are received at the sensors like the
microphone and antenna cause degradation in the performance of automatic
speech recognition and cellular communication. Hence, it is essential to
separate the mixed signals. Generally, the mixing environment (system)
is unknown and also the source signals that are received by the sensors.
Therefore, blind techniques are needed to separate the mixed source
signals. Mainly one has to deal with two types of mixtures -
instantaneous and convolutive. Convolutive mixture separation is a
harder problem to solve but more practical problem to solve. Several
blind techniques have been developed for both instantaneous and
convolutive mixture separation. Most of these techniques assume that the
number of sensors are equal to the number of sources. This assumption is
impractical. So, we have developed a probabilistic technique that is
applicable for mixture separation when the number sensors is less than
the number of sources. This technique jointly minimizes norm 1 and 2 to
estimate the mixing system parameters and the source signals
simultaneously in an iterative fashion. In this talk, a detailed
description of this technique will be provided. We have applied this
technique for the separation of various types of signals - speech,
communication and radar. In this talk, the application for the
separation of speech signals will be provided. We will also demonstrate
the performance improvement in the automatic speech recognition by
15-30% after applying our technique to enhance the speech signals before
extracting the features that are used by the automatic speech recognizer.