February Fourier Talks 2008
Eric Mokole
Ultrawideband Definitions and Waveforms
The last decade has witnessed increased interest in ultrawideband electromagnetic
systems, particularly in the areas of radar, communications, and high-power directed
energy. Different groups within the engineering and scientific communities have
preferred definitions of bandwidth and ultrawideband. Each group attempts to define a
measure of the spectral widths of signals and systems and appropriate criteria to
categorize them in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, existing definitions are not
mutually consistent, since they are also influenced by the special needs and the
understandably focused viewpoints of the respective communities. Defining UWB signals
and systems unambiguously requires: (1) a definition of bandwidth; and (2) a
categorization scheme in terms of bandwidth. This talk discusses issues associated with
defining bandwidth and various spectral categorization schemes by considering several
ideal waveforms (exponentially damped sine, Gaussian, half-cycle sine,
linear-frequency-modulated sine, etc.). Furthermore, since much recent research has
addressed the design and optimization of waveforms, conditions on waveforms that ensure
physical relevance to real systems are also postulated.