Józef Marcinkiewicz
& Antoni Zygmund
The original of this picture has been stored in the archives of the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of
Sciences at the Gdansk branch in Sopot. The picture was taken in 1933 on the occasion of the 11th Math-Phys and Astronomy
Student Circles Meeting in Vilnius (May 25-28, 1933). It was a national event. The photo was taken in the Congress Hall at
the Vilnius University.
This survey written by Prof. Roman Sznajder covers Marcinkiewicz's major achievements.
Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund are in the back row: fourth and fifth to the left, respectively.
Revista Matemática Cuyana
These are the only volumes of the journal, Revista Matemática Cuyana, of the Instituto de Matemática of Mendoza, Argentina. Authors include (in order of appearance) O. E. Villamayor, M. Cotlar, S. Sispanov,
R. Ricabarra, H. Zarantonello, A. Monteiro, O. Varsavsky, N. Wiener, A. Wintner, and V. W. Blaschke.
Volume 1 (part 1)
• O.E. Villamayor, On the Theory of Unilatertal equations in Associtative Rings
Volume 1 (part 2)
• M. Cotlar, A combinatorial inequality and its application to L2-spaces
• M. Cotlar, A general interpolation theorem for linear operations
• M. Cotlar, Some generalizations of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal theorem
• M. Cotlar, A unified theorey of Hilbert transforms and ergodic theroems
Volume 1 (part 3)
• S. Sispanov, Curvas de Darboux sobre las superficies de rotacion
• R. Ricabarra and H. Zarantonello, Toplogies minimales dans les espaces vectoriels topolgiques
• A. A. Monteiro, Les ensembles ordonnes compacts
Volume 2 (part 1)
• R. Ricabarra, Particiones en conjuntos de numeros ordinales
• O. Varsavsky, Quantifiers and equivalence relations
Volume 2 (part 2)
• N. Wiener and A. Witner, On a local L2-variant of Ikehara's theorem
• V.W. Blaschke, Anwenduwg dualer quatarnionen aug Kinematik
Archive of Arne Beurling's Work
Uppsala University Website - Michael Benedicks and Mikhail Sodin (coordinators)
Raphael Salem's 1950 Lectures on Reisz products
These notes were taken by John Horvath who later spent his career as Professor of Mathematics at UMD. John made these notes available to John Benedetto in the 1980s. Horvath, a Hungarian, was a student of Frederic Riesz, and he did postdoctoral work in Paris at the same time that Kahane and Malliavin were there. Salem (who has a fascinating history) would have been lecturing to all of them. Horvath had a position in Columbia, South America, and he arrived at Maryland in the late 1950s. Because of him, we had marvelous visitors at UMD including Marcel Riesz, Dieudonne, L. Schwartz, and many other luminaries.
In these declassified notes, John Nash discussed with the NSA a new encryption-decryption machine and antipated many of the central topics of modern cryptography.