Time: Tuesday, Sept.18, 2018, 2:00pm @ MTH3206
Speaker: Xiumin Du (UMD)
Title: A sharp Schrodinger maximal estimate in R^2
Abstract: We consider Carleson's pointwise convergence problem of Schrodinger solutions. It is shown that the solution to the free Schrodinger equation converges to its initial data almost everywhere, provided that the initial data is in the Sobolev space H^s(R^n) with s > n/2(n+1) (joint with Larry Guth and Xiaochun Li in the case n = 2, and joint with Ruixiang Zhang in the case n >= 3). This is sharp up to the endpoint, due to a counterexample by Bourgain. This pointwise convergence problem can be approached by estimates of Schrodinger maximal function, which have some similar flavors as the Fourier restriction/extension estimates. In this talk, we'll focus on the case $n=2$ and see how polynomial partitioning method and decoupling theorem play a role in such estimates.
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