Jubilee 2019

Emily King

Colorado State University


Grassmannian Frames and the Game of Sloanes


It is often of interest to identify a given number of points in projective space such that the minimum distance between any two points is as large as possible. Such configurations, called Grassmannian frames due to their connection with the Grassmannian packing problem, yield representations of data that are optimally robust to noise and erasures. John Benedetto's paper with Joe Kolesar in 2006 was one of the papers that enticed frame theorists into working on the Grassmannian packing problem.

Since then new constructions of infinite classes of Grassmannian frames which leverage ideas from combinatorics have been discovered. Previously unknown bounds which can be used to certify optimality have also since been proven. In this talk, we will review some of these new results and announce a contest called Game of Sloanes which gamifies the search for Grassmannian frames.

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