Home Jubilee 2019 > Schedule

Time Jubilee Schedule
Thursday, September 19
9:00 AMRegistration
10:00 AMOpening Remarks
10:20 AMStephane Jaffard
Multivariate multifractal analysis
11:00 AMBreak
11:20 AMYang Wang
Scattering Transform and Stylometry Analysis in Arts
12:00 PMLunch
1:30 PMUrsula Molter
Approximation by Group Invariant Subspaces
2:10 PMBreak
2:30 PMRay Johnson
Spectral Synthesis and $H^1(R)$
3:10 PMBreak
3:30 PMDer-Chen Chang
Laguerre calculus on nilpotent Lie groups of step two and its applications
4:10 PMBreak
4:15 PMPoster Session
5:45 PMBirthday Cake
Friday, September 20
9:00 AMRegistration
9:20 AMAlex Powell
Training low-bit neural networks
10:00 AMBreak
10:20 AMMatt Fickus
Finite frames and optimal subspace packings
11:00 AMBreak
11:20 AMZuowei Shen
Deep Approximation via Deep Learning
12:00 PMLunch
1:30 PM Dustin Mixon
On the conditioning of subensembles
2:10 PMBreak
2:30 PMHans Feichtinger
Visions for the Third Century of Fourier Analysis
3:10 PMBreak
3:30 PMNate Strawn
Image Space Embeddings and Generalized Convolutional Neural Networks
4:10 PMBreak
4:30 PMColloquium: Fulvio Ricci
Commutative harmonic analysis on noncommutative Lie groups
5:30 PMBreak
6:00 PMSocial, light dinner and refreshments at Rotunda
Saturday, September 21st
9:30 AMRegistration
10:00 AMAlex Cloninger
Dual Geometry of Laplacian Eigenfunctions with Applications to Graph Wavelets, Cuts, and Visualization
10:40 AMBreak
11:00 AMAlexander Olevskii
Discrete Translates in Function Spaces
11:40 AMLunch
1:00 PMEmily King
Grassmannian Frames and The Game of Sloanes
1:40 PMBreak
2:00 PMJoseph Lakey
Spatio-spectral limiting on Boolean cubes
2:40 PMBreak
3:00 PMAkram Aldroubi
The Cumulative Distribution Transform for Data Analysis and Machine Learning
3:40 PMBreak
4:00 PMColloquium: John Benedetto
The 1960s
5:00 PMBreak
6:00 PMBanquet at Marriott