FFT 2007
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Speakers for FFT 2007 [click on the name for title and abstract]
Akram Aldroubi (Vanderbilt University)
Slanted Matrices, Banach Frames, Wiener's Lemmas and Inverse Problems
Chris Brislawn (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Lifting Factorizations for Linear Phase Filter Banks and Wavelet Transforms
Margaret Cheney (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Radar Imaging
Greg Chirikjian (Johns Hopkins University)
Degenerate Diffusions on Motion Groups: An Application of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis
Doug Cochran (Arizona State University)
Detecting jump discontinuities given Fourier data
Greg Coxson (Technology Services Corporation)
The Structure of Sidelobe-Preserving Operator Groups
Nail Gumerov (University of Maryland)
Efficient O(NlogN) algorithms for interpolation
Shubha Kadambe (University of Maryland)
Underdetermined convolutive mixture separation and its application to robust automatic speech recognition
John Klauder (University of Florida)
Multiple Time-Frequency Representations of Signals and Transforms
Prakash Narayan (University of Maryland)
Multiterminal Data Compression and Secret Key Generation
Marc Olivieri (Lockheed-Martin)
What can be learned from one of Nature's most advanced biosonar: Discussion on the biomimetic process used for the development of a bio-inspired system for sensing and classification of targets in harsh environments
Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola (Arizona State University)
On the Use of Sequential Monte Carlo Methods For Estimating Time-Varying Spectral Signal Parameters
Joseph Rosenblatt (UIUC-NSF)
Linear Independence of Translates
Steven Schiff (Pennsylvania State University)
Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation and Control in the Brain
Carole Teolis (Techno-Sciences)
Eddy Current Sensor Signal Processing for Stall Detection
Rodolfo Torres (University of Kansas)
FFT Blues: Fourier analysis and the structural colors of biological tissues
Vinay Vaishampayan (Shannon AT&T)
Dissections and Constant Weight Codes
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